20/09/2012 - River Trent

Headed back to the River Trent near Swarkestone for another perch session. Initially made for same swim as last time, but with the plan to go roving and look for the fish, rather than just sit in the same spot and hope they came to me. Got the float rod going and was into bleak, roach and dace straight away. As I was setting up the paternoster rod there had been an explosion of silver fish in the weed bed to my right, so it wasn't a suprise that I didn't even get to set the bobbin after casting in. Pike this time, swiftly followed by another next cast in.

Not a perch!
These two had caused quite a bit of disturbance, so as soon as I had a few baits in the bucket I reluctantly packed away the float rod and moved downstream. No luck in the first spot, so dropped in between two willows. This time I had a take straight away from a small perch of about half a pound. Next cast in met with something different entirely! Struck into a heavy fish that ploughed around in the gap between the trees in front of me. At one stage everything went solid and I remembered a snag where I had lost a lure spinning there earlier in the year. Could still feel the fish so decided to be brave and give it good pull hoping that the weak leger link would break first. Everything went to plan. A decent perch rolled on the surface and was unceremoniously netted. Lifted it onto the bank to see the biggest perch I'd ever caught. A real battle scarred monster that went 3lb 10oz on the scales.  
Took a couple of quick photos and popped it back. Didn't really care that the next one was another tiddler around the half pound mark. Was still on a high when I moved down to my final swim. Again I had a take soon after casting in. Was another good fish, but looked small in comparison with the 3lber, so was pleased when it went 2lb 8oz on the scales. Had recast and was about to take a quick photo when the bailiff arrived. Just as he asked "Any good?" the alarm sounded again and another decent fish was in the net, this time 2lb 4oz, so was able to get a brace shot.
Double top
These two alone would have made my day, but the 3lber really was the icing on the cake. Happily relinquished my swim to the bailiff (he'd come down after a barbel) and set off home via the chippy.


  1. Crikey indeed Ian. What a perch that is, well done mate!

  2. Thanks chaps. Think I'll be giving the Trent some more attention from now on!

  3. Great catch Ian, ill be looking for your bankstick holes now Lol.

    Good to know that there's great potential all along that stretch.

  4. Loads of potential mate, Braddocks cracked the four off it recently

  5. There is absolutely stacks of silver fish along that section, so no wonder the predators are there and growing. That old battler (the perch that is, not Archie!) was hollow in the belly. With a full stomach who knows? I'll look out for you then Lee! Cheers, Ian.

  6. an absolute beauty fella, peach of a stripey, congratulations on the new pb.
