After a bit more scratching about I finally ended up with a couple of nice long-spined sea scorpions (always happy to catch a scorpion!) before bidding Verity goodbye.
First weekend of the May half-term we headed down to Pembrokeshire to see the wife's parents before they headed off to France for a month (lucky them!). I was hoping for my first lure-caught bass of the year, but when I headed off to the estuary for low tide at first light on the Sunday morning the conditions were frankly awful. It was difficult to see where the sky stopped and the water started due to the persistent rain and there was quite a chop on due to a strong breeze blowing straight up the channel, which in turn was churning up the margins and turning them the colour of tea. I probably lasted about half an hour before I realised the futility of my actions and headed home wet and cold!
Next day it was still windy, but dry and sunny, so I made the trip down to Hobbs Point with the LRF gear. Made my way down to the bottom of the car ramp and dropped my isome-baited rig down the side of the wall. Didn't have to wait long before I started getting those familiar knocks on the rod tip before hooking into one of the culprits. Yep, my old friend the rock goby!
Once again it appeared that the bottom was carpeted in them and after about two dozen of the flippin' things I was ready to go home. I was just about to return my last fish when I realised that it was actually a different species, albeit a black goby. The only other excitement was when a Chinese family fishing off the top of the ramp managed to catch a dogfish, which was efficiently dispatched and consigned to a carrier bag, no doubt for consumption later.

In the end I kept myself amused by catching a seemingly endless stream of shannies out of some ridiculously small gaps in the sea defences! Later that day I headed straight for the wrasse hole. In contrast to the morning, the fish were definitely switched on. I made the most of the small window before the tide started to rip by again catching several sizeable ballans, but getting smashed twice in the process by something far too big for my LRF gear to cope with.
I also added a tompot, a pollack and Mr & Mrs Corkwing, the male probably being the biggest and most intensely coloured example I've caught to date. As the rip built up it made my little spot unfishable with my light gear, so I headed back to the house, pausing briefly to watch some huge barrel jellyfish whizzing past on the tide.
In the end marvellous Exmouth produced the goods yet again, so it was with great reluctance that we headed back up the M5 the following day. Oh well, not long now until the rivers are open again!