Had a bite a chuck, ending up with fifty rock gobies and half a dozen black gobies, with the odd ballan wrasse and pollack thrown in before it was time to head back to the shop a couple of hours later.

By the time my bait supply had been exhausted I had amassed 30 corkwings, together with a few ballans, shannies and pollack. Dropped into Angler's Corner on the way home to see if I could replenish my bait stocks and had a useful chat with the very friendly and helpful Martin and Sandra, before reserving a pack of rag for the following day.

The next morning I returned to Milford Haven, firstly checking out the access to a couple of potential low water marks on the Hakin side of the docks, before returning to the bull nose. Fishing with bits of Gulp sandworm I found it much harder going than the previous day and had to scratch around in several spots to find the fish. Again, there were were a few corkwings about, along with some rock gobies, shannies and pollack. The fishing slowed right down about two hours after high tide, so I packed up and went and picked up my ragworm, taking the opportunity to pick Sandra's brains about LRF marks once more!

This resulted in four ballans, a corkwing and a pollack. Wound the pennel rod in to find that the bait had been competely demolished by the crabs. Didn't bother putting this one out again, but instead swapped the bait on the other rod to ragworm as well. It was this one that tempted our last fish of the morning, another ballan, before we packed up and headed for the cafe for a bacon butty and much needed drink.

Was in a bit of a quandry over our last session. With the sea slowly clearing over on the East coast a shot at some garfish at Saundersfoot looked to be on the cards, but a freshening breeze from the South saw us heading for Hobbs Point again for high tide. Wasn't in much doubt that we would catch gobies - lots of them - so a dad vs. lad match was proposed, with James electing to use Gulp and me using the manky remnants of the ragworm. Setting ourselves a maximum of an hour we had bites from the off. It was nip and tuck, but when the whistle blew we'd both had 21 fish consisting of rock gobies, corkwings (they seem to be everywhere at the moment!) and pollack. Suspect that natural bait would have edged it if it hadn't been for the time lost re-baiting. However, I wasn't complaining seeing as he'd thrashed me the last two times we'd had a similar competition!
Didn't get much variety over the week in terms of species, but the numbers of fish caught made up for that and, whilst Nottingham had been deluged with rain, we'd had some glorious weather. See you again soon!