08/02/2012 - Bits and Bobs

Two weeks without fishing and I'm getting jumpy at the prospect of losing any more time to work and to the weather. At least the flexi is building up nicely! Fingers crossed and weather permitting, have got a grayling trip in the offing next week, so was knocked sideways when I was sent the picture below by a friend this week.  


Photograph shows a 3lb 10oz grayling taken from the River Clyde recently. That's nearly twice as big as my PB. It was caught (and clonked unfortunately!) by the little lad holding it. Even taking into account the fact he's only eight, the fish still looks huge. Oh well, gives us all something to aspire to!


  1. Good god that looks huge Ian, all these grayling posts are setting me off, perhaps I should have a go soon

  2. Heard rumours of a few in the Biam if the fluff flingers are to be believed. Chap at work reckons he even saw one in the canal! Don't know where I'm meant to be going next week, it's so hush, hush that I think I'm going to be made to wear a bag over my head on the way there!

  3. That's a massive fish, looks even bigger than 3-10, but somehow doesnt look real, maybe because its dead. Not been out for ages and another weekend of snow is forecat for us here, a massive bummer as the mrs is away for the weekend and I had a full 2 days fishing planned
